Search Results
Your search yielded 106 images
Farm Workersd Slicing Cashew Apples, in...
Farm Worker Removing Cashew Nut from Cashew...
Sliced Cashew Apples Drying in the Sun, The...
Using an Automobile Jack, the Woman presses...
Cashew Nuts. Staff Members at the Group Juboo...
Woman Hulling Cashew Nuts. Group Juboo Cashew...
Men Hulling Cashews at Cashew Nut Processing...
Sliced Cashew Apple, The Gambia. These slices...
Sliced Cashew Apple, The Gambia. These slices...
Farm Workersd Slicing Cashew Apples, in...
Washing Cashew Apples in Preparation for...
Peace Corps Volunteer Talking to Farmer Selling...
Cashew Nut Buyer Counting his Money, Fass Njaga...
Cashew Nut Buyer Weighing Nuts, Fass Njaga...
Pouring Cashew Apple Cider into Bottle. North...
Placing Fermenting Cashew Apples into a Press,...
Distillery, where Cashew Apple Juice is...
Cashew Nuts. Sharing Lunch at the Group Juboo...
Lunch at Group Juboo Cashew Processing Center,...
Farm Workersd Slicing Cashew Apples, in...
Farm Worker Removing Cashew Nut from Cashew...
Sliced Cashew Apples Drying in the Sun, The...
Sliced Cashew Apples Drying in the Sun, The...
Pouring Alcohol made from Cashew Apples into a...
Placing Fermenting Cashew Apples into a Press,...